Each Isuzu vehicle is assigned a unique 17-digit code known as a "Vehicle Unique Identifier" (VIN). This code consists of letters and symbols and is engraved on the vehicle itself. Isuzu manufacturers, dealerships, and insurance companies use this code to identify and track the exact car.
By using an Isuzu VIN decoder, you can enter your Isuzu's VIN and access information about the vehicle's brand, model, manufacturing history, and other features. This tool will help you gain a better understanding of your Isuzu. As a fun fact, Isuzu is a Japanese automobile manufacturer that has been in operation since 1916. It is famous for producing a wide range of vehicles, including commercial vehicles, buses, and pickup trucks. The company has a reputation for producing dependable and long-lasting vehicles, and it is well-known for its diesel engines.
By John Devn
our car expert2 minutes read
Updated 2023-04-04
Based on 50 reviews
The identification code, which is a unique identifier, can accurately identify a specific vehicle. It can be found in various locations, such as:
The World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI), also known as the WMI, is a unique code that identifies the manufacturer of an Isuzu vehicle. It is typically the first three characters of a VIN, and it helps to determine the country of origin, manufacturer, and type of vehicle. Here are examples of WMI codes for Isuzu vehicles:
WMI code | Location | Manufacturer | Date |
4S3, 4S4 | USA | ISUZU | 1899-12-31 |
9GC | COL | ISUZU | 2007-07-09 |
ACU | Japan | ISUZU | 2007-02-27 |
JAA, JAJ, JAL | Japan | ISUZU | 2007-06-16 |
JAB, JAC, JAD, JAK, JAS | Japan | ISUZU | 1899-12-31 |
JAM | Japan | ISUZU | 2006-12-18 |
China |
Jiangxi | 2015-09-06 |
MPA | Thailand | Limited | 2013-03-15 |
NNA | TUR | ISUZU | 2007-06-16 |
PAC | Philippines | ISUZU | 2007-06-16 |
RLD | Vietnam | ISUZU | 2016-05-26 |
RLE | Vietnam | ISUZU | 2016-05-26 |
X91 | Russia | AMUR GM X9 | 2007-01-11 |
Y7B | Ukraine | CHARZ GM Y7 | 2006-12-18 |
Z8U | RUS | Sollers-Far | 2012-07-24 |
A Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS) is a part of the VIN that provides specific details about the vehicle model, body style, powertrain, and transmission. It usually consists of six to seven characters, which can be used to identify the vehicle's original configuration and detect any variations.
A Vehicle Identification Section (VIS) is another part of the VIN that provides specific information about the vehicle, such as the model, body style, powertrain, and transmission. The VIS usually contains six to eight characters, which can be used to identify the vehicle's features, assembly location, production sequence, and manufacturing date.
A tool for decoding VIN can provide diverse information about a vehicle, such as:
The VIN number "JR2RJ1868VC000136" belongs to a 1997 Isuzu Oasis S.
Using this breakdown of the VIN, we can determine that this is a 1997 Isuzu Oasis S Multipurpose Passenger Vehicle (MPV) manufactured in Sayama, Japan by American Honda Motor Co.
A report on vehicle history, or VHR, contains further details on the background of a vehicle, including:
There are several reasons why a VIN may not be found, including: